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FreeFlow Biological Plus™

Industrial/Commercial/Contract Food Manufactures Hydrocarbon overload FOG

We can help eliminate the downtime which cost you valuable production time and excessive maintenance fees.
Our science help bring you into compliance with your PPM discharges. We mimic the rhamnolipid surfactants the microbes secrete. What that means is a simple dosing program helps remediate the FOG by breaking the hydrocarbons down to their molecular weights and creating an atmosphere of bioavailability. This bioavailability generates massive microbial growth and greater exposure to the food source. The addition of our superior biological will give you the microbial population needed to consume your waste.
Breaking down the molecular chain of the hydrocarbons is essential because it is the cohesive factor of FOG, hydrocarbons that fouls your waste stream, hence limiting the surface area of the microbial food source. We have what you need.

Grease Trap Management

normally this shows the product application process - but I broke it down later in the page. Not sure what to do here?


  • Superior germination and accelerated biological activity in a variety of organic waste applications.
  • Separates Fats, Oils, & Grease (FOG's) from biosolids (i.e. flour...) found in gray water allowing FOG's to more readily phase separate in the Grease Interceptor enhancing its effectiveness, and reducing sludge buildup. It does not allow FOG's to adhere to interior drainline surfaces and maximizes bioavailability.
  • Slows or eliminates the formation of a saponified/solid pad or scum cap. (In most cases the build stays liquid creating a greater surface area or pathway to the food source.
  • Enhanced enzmatic performance increases the effectiveness of the multiple spore blend for a variety of constituents (i.e. carbohydrates, proteins, fatty acids).
  • Dramatic reduction or elimination of FOG's into Laterals & Sanitary mains. Reduction or elimination of Pumping or Jetting cycles on a continous basis.
  • Helps maintain compliance with municipal effluent discharge limitations.
  • Provides Odor Control by dramatically reduces offgassing due to anaerobic digestion in the system.
  • Renders unmanageable systems Manageable.

Our Technology is rooted deep in the environmental sciences; brought forward to address the common & the uncommon needs of a responsible society.

FreeFlow Biological Plus™ is used as a Grease Interceptor & Drain Line Treatment.

Your grease interceptor is designed to protect your drains, laterals, and sanitary lines from unwanted discharges of Fats, Oils, & Grease (FOG's).

Failure to maintain this system may cause discharges of FOG's exceeding municipal limits and may also cause clogging in your plumbing that can result in costly and malodorous back-ups.
Using this product will guarantee that Floors, Drains, Traps, Interceptors, Lifts, and Laterals will be visibly cleaner with a major reduction in malodors. FreeFlow Biological Plus™ is phase one of the best one-two punch in the nightmare of hydrocarbon overload.

All products should be used in compliance with all federal, State and Municipal Rules and Regulations